Relationship between buyer and supplier is a key success factor

buyer-supplier relationship

buyer-supplier relationship


The last few years of the Brazilian market have been marked by economic crises, which have forced companies to leave their comfort zone and relearn how to work. With the advances of Industry 4.0 and the professional maturity of leaders, technologic solutions were adopted to support and optimize some processes, especially when we talk about the purchasing and sales market.

Automation has allowed professionals to adopt a more strategic stance and focus on what is really important: relationships.


Relationship as a key factor in business

Technology is the rule for business, but relationships are just as important. Companies cannot survive without communicating and personalizing customer service. Most organizations that survived the recession did so because they knew how to build relationships.

Knowing how to treat your customers as partners can bring countless benefits. Companies can obtain better prices, faster delivery times, build customer loyalty, and encourage collaboration between parties, which favors innovation.

Many companies already understand that collaboration between companies in a supply chain helps to promote lasting and promising coexistence. This interaction, when supported by technology, ends up bringing closer and leveraging the relationship even further, in addition to bringing governance and compliance to companies.


Changing the landscape through collaboration

The current economic scenario shows that traditional models are less likely to work. More rigid companies do not understand the importance of personalizing service and encouraging win-win relationships between partnerships.

In the B2B market, this is also a fact. Relationships in the supply chain encourage collaboration between companies, which together can find ways to become more sustainable, innovative and stand out in the market.

In the purchasing market, for example, trust and collaboration make buyers more likely to do business with a supplier again.

Another way to build a collaborative relationship between the parties is to encourage and promote innovation during the processes to achieve better business conditions.


How to take the first step towards collaboration

If the buyer-supplier relationship was previously considered a one-off transaction, today it is assuming the need to be more collaborative. As we can see above, the possibilities in this field are limitless. But how can we expect the supply chain to behave collaboratively when trade agreements still insist on sending the opposite message?

Agreements that insist on being old-fashioned end up naturally transforming into collaborative contracts, favoring a win-win relationship, managing and sharing risks, incentives and fair payments.

However, it is not enough to demand more efficiency in the actions of suppliers, if the leadership within the organization and the supply chain does not demonstrate this. A commercial alliance is more than a sealed deal. It is a complex connection between independent companies, a living organism that progressively evolves, along with the possibilities it offers.


The electronic market has numerous technologies that can optimize the purchasing sector. Save time and improve relationships with your partners, check out all the solutions!


So, what do you think about the relationship between buyers and suppliers? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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