Another Electronic Market Product Release is now live.
See below the main improvements to the platform.
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RFX Module: Comparison Map
Counterproposal Generation through the Comparative Map
This function is used by buyers to make a counterproposal for ongoing or closed quotations. To facilitate access, the “Send Counterproposal” option has been included in the “More Options” menu of the Comparative Map.
On the counterproposal negotiation page, you can select which suppliers will participate and choose the options for submitting the counterproposal:
- Overall absolute value: the system sends a counterproposal with absolute value to all selected suppliers.
- General discount percentage: the platform sends a counterproposal with the discount percentage value on the price that each supplier indicated.
- Percentage on lowest value: the system sends all selected suppliers a counterproposal with the percentage of the lowest value responded.
The counteroffer option in the Comparison Map is already available in the production environment. If you do not have access, please contact our customer service via email customer, so that it can be configured for your company.
Exporting Comparative Map data to Excel
Buyer and approver users with access to the Comparison Map can export the Comparison Map data to Excel.
When downloading the Excel file, you can view the Comparative Map data as follows:
The fields and display order, displayed on the Excel map, are the same as those configured and defined in the platform's Comparative Map:
The Excel export option is available in the production environment. If you do not have access, please contact our customer service via email customer, so that it can be configured for your company.
Transaction View
Easy display of Supplier Name in all view modes
Users will be able to view supplier data in a simplified manner, regardless of the chosen viewing mode. The objective of this change is to make it easier to identify the supplier when consulting a transaction.
How will they be displayed?
- For Requisition documents, the following data will be presented: number, Contract, Creator, Description.
- For Pre-Order, Contract, NF (Invoice) and FRS (Service Registration Sheet) processes, the following data will be presented: Pre-Order Number, Contract, Creator and Supplier.
Highlight the latest quotes answered by the supplier
Quotations, responded to by Suppliers and not yet read, will be highlighted (in bold), in the Transactions -> Quotation menu.
Viewing FRS (Service Record Sheet) details in grid
Approvers can view the FRS details in the Approval Pending grid and facilitate review of the document before taking approval action.
It will be possible to identify the creator user, supplier, total value of the process and the number of attachments linked to the document. When accessing an FRS, the document number will be displayed in the upper left corner.
News for Suppliers
Exporting Orders in XML and Excel
Suppliers who have a Mercado Eletrônico plan (Basic or Plus) will be able to export their orders to Excel or XML. This feature is available in Orders, in the side menu, in the Export Excel or Export XML option, as demonstrated in the video:
Naming change for Side Menu > Accounts
The nomenclature of the Accounts submenu has been changed so that supplier users can view their Accounts Payable and Receivable processes in an intuitive and objective way.
To the next!