[MONTHLY RELEASE] What's new on the platform for the month of June



Below, find out what’s new on the ME platform in June.


New home filters

  • New filters have been added to the Home page to make it easier to search for products in grids. Searches can be made by customer code, ME code or product description and are available in the requisition, quote, pre-order, order and invoice processes. See the examples below:

– Search for Customer Product Code:

– Search for Product description:

Supplier name standardization

  • Now, it is possible to view the supplier's trade name, in the “Preview” on the home page, in the pre-order, order and invoice documents.

Bulk import of NFe XML

  • The new update allows the supplier to import more than one NFe XML file. The example below shows which invoices presented errors and were rejected, which were successfully validated, and which need to be adjusted.



Description of errors in loads

  • The description of errors in the loads makes it simpler and easier for the applicant to understand.

Time zone information in the load history grid

  • From now on, the history considers the local time zone of the user who performed the upload, and not just that of Brazil.

These were the news for the month of June.

We hope they make your work routine easier. We'll be back soon with more improvements!

Remember: if you have any questions regarding our platform, simply contact our customer support center through the following channels: atendimentocomprador@me.com.br | 11 2175-3550.


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