In this edition of our monthly release, learn about some improvements implemented in Nova Home and in the Load History.
Check it out!
[New Home] Pending Purchases
- More performance when loading Nova Home to support large amounts of data quickly.
- New default filter Period selected. From now on, when loading the Pending Purchases, you will see the data for the last 30 days. But you can also change the period or even view the entire history at once.
- New column to inform the item’s “Complement”. This update makes it easier to analyze lines (items), since it details important information about the request.
[New Home] Orders Section (Grids)
- New column to inform whether the Order is invisible (Yes/No). With this feature, the user can create advanced filters and save them to make day-to-day tasks easier. To make the view more analytical, it is also possible to create graphs.
[New Home] Request a Quote
- Possibility of starting the Budget Request directly through Nova Home, in the same way as with other documents.
- Displaying the Budget Request option together with the Requisitions.
- Filters and Charts: create and save advanced filters related to the Budget Request. Take advantage of the functionality to create charts and achieve a more analytical view.
[New Home] Bills Paid and Payable
- From now on, customers using the module Accounts Payable and Accounts Payable will be able to access all features directly from the New Home (search, filters, graphs, grids, etc.).
- New Accounts Document: view the new Accounts document (Paid or Payable) and, when necessary, use the print option.
[Data Load] Complete Load Solution Review
- New screens for the system data import and export process. Cleaner and more user-friendly interface.
- Interface without technical names, in order to make it easier for everyone to understand.
- Possibility to download the template to insert the user's own information. For some loads, it is also possible to download with data already filled in with examples.
- After processing, it is possible to download two types of files: complete download and download with errors. The user can also perform filters: for example, filter only downloads with errors to make the necessary adjustments. In this case, the platform identifies which errors are present in the document (what the error is and on which line of the file it is located).
- “You are uploading an empty or invalid spreadsheet” alert to avoid possible errors.
These are some highlights of the latest news from the Mercado Eletrônico platform to make your routine simpler, more agile and strategic.
Always visit the product blog for all updates.
Remember that you can resolve your queries through our support center: customer | 11 2175-3550.