In this post, you can check out the main improvements to the Mercado Eletrônico platform in the last quarter.
You can also click here and request a personalized demo with our product team.
Read on!
New filter that allows you to filter only contract items:
- To help buyers search for documents, a filter has been added to the Purchase Pending Items, “Items with Contract”. This way, buyers can easily view the items in their pending items that have a contract.
- To view the improvement, simply access the “Pending Purchases” grid on the home page.
Storing graphics:
- In order to facilitate the consultation and analysis of the data presented, the user can create graphs related to the tables they are viewing. Now, these graphs are also stored and presented every time the user logs into the platform.
New filters on the home page to enable searches by “client code”, “ME code” and “product description” in the requisition, quote, contract, pre-order, order and invoice processes:
- To improve the search for documents of a selected product, carried out by any user, the following filters were added to all transactions: “customer code”, “ME code” and “product description”.
Supplier default notice when generating pre-order for contract pending purchases (notice available only for Enterprise Plan customers):
- Now, the buyer has access to validation of supplier default when generating a pre-order pending purchases.
- The user is also alerted about the supplier's block (due to default) in the generation of the pre-order, and can follow the necessary procedures to unblock it and consequently generate the order.
Standardization of the supplier name, in the mode card preview, with the same information as the Order, Pre-Order and Invoice documents:
- Improvement in the way of presenting the supplier's trade name in the mode Preview of documents. The presentation of information is standardized, whether in the list or in the document view.
Watch the demo video:
Comparative Map
Two View Modes: Card and Synthetic:
- Card mode: more analytical mode that allows detailed analysis, by item, of the responses given by suppliers.
- Synthetic mode: when there are many items, this table model allows for a more assertive visualization/comparison of the proposals received.
User Customization: Filters, Sorting, Hiding Responses and Field Selection:
- The user can filter and/or sort by “total net value”, “shipping value”, “currency” and “shipping type”, allowing for a more personalized comparison of responses.
- The fields visible on the map, whether in the response header or at the item level, are configurable by the buyer and can be displayed or hidden, depending on the analysis needs.
Value Consolidation: Best 1st Offer, Estimated Total Request, Historical Price, Best Package and Best Proposal:
- To help with decision making, the new Comparative Map presents, in the header, the values of the “Best 1st Offer”, “Estimated Total Request”, “Historical Price”, “Best Package” and “Best Proposal”.
- Simply put, the negotiator has the values needed to compare proposals from various suppliers visible.
Saving Calculation:
- The new Comparative Map presents the quote/negotiation saving, which can be by “Best 1st Offer”, “Estimated Total Request”, “Historical Price”, “Best Package” and “Best Proposal”, comparing the value selected on the map with one of these variables.
- Depending on the type of negotiation, the buyer can carry out different types of analysis/scenarios in relation to saving.
Best Package and Best Price Selection:
- When accessing the new Comparative Map, using the “View” button, the buyer automatically selects the “Best Package” (best total proposal from a supplier) or the “Best Proposals” (selection, by item, of the best price) to quickly view the best prices from suppliers.
Price History:
- In card mode, when there are previous purchases for the quoted products, it is possible to see the price history.
Shortlist Generation:
- After analyzing the proposals received, the buyer can carry out a new round of negotiations with a shortlist of suppliers.
Links to access quotation item attachments:
- The buyer can consult all the information in the files attached by the supplier without leaving the Comparative Map screen.
Viewing and comparing prices of service items (sub-items):
- If a quote item has sub-items, the new Comparison Map allows you to view not only the total price of the item, but also the sub-items.
- Although the selection is made by item, the buyer can compare the prices proposed by the supplier in the sub-items, analyze the total value in detail and choose the most advantageous option.
Adjustment in the calculations of tax substitution in prices with taxes and net prices of the Comparative Map:
- The net and tax-inclusive price values include tax substitution, making the buyer's decision easier.
Watch the demo video:
Other Improvements (e-Procurement)
Bulk import of multiple Invoice XMLs:
- Allows the supplier to import one or more XMLs from the Electronic Invoice, simultaneously, to create a mirror of the NFs linked to orders on the ME platform.
What's coming up on the Mercado Eletrônico platform
New “Users” page
Now, the platform allows the consolidation and organization of all information relating to users registered in the client's private database.
Soon, we will make new usability available for managing internal users, with features such as quick shortcuts, mass actions, among others, which will make database administration much easier.
New “My Suppliers” page
Platform users will have access to the consolidation of all information related to suppliers registered in your company's private database.
Soon, this new functionality will improve and bring more ease and organization to the management of the supplier base.
New Product Search Page
We have evolved the product search page to promote an improved user experience, just like we find on current B2C portals.
Here, you will have access to a simpler and faster way to organize products and product families in the internal database, as well as the “shopping cart” concept to bring requesting users more familiarity in using the portal.
Thank you for following all the news so far!
Remember to register for the webinar about the Quarterly Release, on 20/10, at 14 pm.
To watch, just register here.
To the next!