Six tips for maintaining an excellent operation during the pandemic

Six tips for maintaining an excellent operation during the pandemic

It was published on the portal Medium & Message an article written by our HR Director, Adriana Oliveira, talking about the benefits of investing in digitalization of methods and systems, driven by the coronavirus crisis in the B2B market.

Factors such as employee autonomy, intelligent use of technology, definition of clear goals and proximity to customers were decisive for some companies to stand out in this scenario, with 100% of teams working remotely.

Adriana believes that, for an organization to remain active and productive during this period, it needs to put some actions into practice.

Check out all the tips published on the Meio & Mensagem portal and make a difference in your company:


6 actions to maintain an excellent operation during Covid-19

1. Agile methodology

The adoption of an agile work method promotes a horizontal hierarchy and guarantees more autonomy to teams. When remote work became a reality for many overnight, this change had little impact on those companies that already operated using agile methodologies, with no consequences on operations and productivity.


2. Virtual meetings

Maintaining proximity with employees is essential at this time. videoconferencing ensure visual contact and maintain a bond between people. It is important that everyone can monitor the company's results and also understand what the future plans and strategies are. There are several applications available that can be used for these digital meetings.

It is important that the meeting has moments dedicated to questions and answers, to help teams with their main concerns, and that Human Resources professionals pay special attention to newcomers to the company.


3. Use technology to your advantage

How much more technology domain The more your company has, the more unscathed it will be able to get through this moment. Management platforms, for example, that organize internal and external demands, help control requests and activities, and offer greater productivity by managing individual tasks. This way, employees can plan more easily. HR gains agility and effectiveness in managing employees, such as in performance evaluations, individual development plans, career plans, among other aspects.


4. Defining OKRs (Objective Key Results)

OKRs are, in short, the company's goals and the means chosen to achieve them. In other words, it is a definition of the path the company wants to follow and the small steps that must be taken so that, together, everyone can achieve this great goal. Since employees and managers are not close, it is necessary that these goals are clear to the entire team.


5. Constant communication

It is true that not everyone has time for daily meetings. In this case, maintaining the frequency of communications can make a difference. Newsletters, for example, are excellent means of fulfilling this role. An eye-catching layout and relevant information ensure that all internal news reaches employees easily.


6. Meetings and live sessions with clients

Staying close to customers ensures that any problems that may arise during this period are quickly identified, and the company gains agility in helping those who are having difficulty in specific areas. One initiative that can facilitate this is the creation of live broadcasts with topics that are interesting to your clients. This is a way to continue with relationship “events” and to communicate with the general public.


There are several precautions that companies should take during this period. There are no more than precautions that everyone should take, even when things are normal. What we need to do now is find ways to maintain this care from a distance.

Now it’s your turn. What has your company done to maintain excellence during the pandemic crisis? Tell us in the comments.

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