A company's digital maturity is an important indicator of its evolution in the market. In Brazil, according to the McKinsey consultancy, based on a study conducted with 124 large and medium-sized organizations in various sectors, companies with consolidated digital processes have superior performance and an EBITDA growth rate up to three times higher compared to other companies.
The first steps in the digital maturity process require companies to review their business models and seek new ways to carry out their internal operations. Those who fear digitalization fear, above all, the pressure of time and high investments. However, contrary to what many people think, digital transformation can begin gradually and in a scalable manner.
Order Management: the first step towards digital transformation in purchasing
To help companies in the digital transformation process, Mercado Eletrônico developed the tool Order Management, which is free and works as a real shortcut to digitizing the supply area.
The platform allows purchasing teams to automate the entire management of the order cycle, from sending to the supplier to receiving the goods.
Your practices for receiving products or services, confirming and expediting, regularizing and approving orders and analyzing spend keep all data recorded in a single online environment, avoiding divergence of information and facilitating communication between buyers and suppliers.
The benefits of digitalization for buyers and suppliers
To the Buyers, the immediate result is to achieve greater security, agility, savings and collaboration in all commercial transactions.
For the Providers, the solution offers financial insight into sales with access to performance reports, more agile and lower cost processes, as well as integration of order receipt directly into the ERP.
In addition to promoting rapid digital transformation — in up to eight weeks — implementing Order Management also makes it possible to reduce operating costs by approximately 30%.
“By implementing Order Management, companies can revolutionize their purchasing areas without any investment. It is the chance to start the digitalization process with a market reference solution, which can offer technological innovation with concrete results that are compatible with the business.”
(André Kerbauy, SaaS Consulting Director at ME)
A study conducted by McKinsey showed that most companies are aware of the potential of digital transformation and how customer expectations are changing, but they seem to face a greater challenge in understanding how the topic fits into the company's strategy.
See the full text also on the website Decision Report.
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